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The Seal Beach Yacht Club (SlBYC) is a dynamic family-oriented club featuring an extensive cruising program, regattas and sailboat racing. The membership is a lively social group who enjoys parties and dances throughout the year. Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to own a boat to be a member! All you need is interest in the water (and our world famous parties!).


The club bar is open Thursday through Sunday in the summer and weekends in the winter. Dinner is served Friday and Sunday evenings all year. The club is supported by an energetic women’s organization, the Sea Belles, which sponsors dinners and parties on several Saturday evenings. Many Saturdays have events such as Bingo, Trivia Night, and more. Many Sundays are "Explorer Sundays" where folks share their travel experiences with the club. Sunday night is Grill Your Own (GYO) where you bring your protein to grill, and the fixings to go along are avaliable. 


SlBYC provides the opportunity to meet and make new friends within the club, on the docks, or on the water. If you are a new boat owner you may take advantage of the experienced yachtsmen within the membership. Club cruising and racing will help develop your skills on the water through interaction with involved members. The spirit of camaraderie is woven through these activities. Prospective boat owners gain valuable expertise from our members. Many non-boat owners are invited along on member boats for events as well.


Club Cruises are a fun way to get out on the water and explore another marina and/or yacht club. All most all of the cruises have accommodations nearby for non-boater overnights. Often the cruises are within a short drive, so you can join the fun on the docks.


Reciprocal privileges are available to SlBYC members at participating clubs throughout the world. The warmth of nationwide and even international recognition is evident when viewing the hundreds of yacht club burgees hanging in the club. Our blue and gold burgee hangs in clubs from Europe to Australia. SlBYC membership is a way to enjoy your boating activity to the fullest. Both sail and power boaters are welcome in SlBYC. While many of our members own boats from 20′ to over 50′ in length, boat ownership is not a prerequisite for membership.


Be sure to browse the events listed on our home page to get an idea of our activities. Why not come and visit for one? Just let us know in the below message box so we can get you set up. (Online registrations are for members and their guests only, so you'll need to contact us).


The Seal Beach Yacht Club is limited to a membership of 500. The club currently has openings and is accepting applications for membership. If the excitement of an active, on the water club membership interests you, please visit the club located at 255 N. Marina Drive on the Alamitos Bay. Or contact our Membership Chair below for further information and a tour of the club.


Download our Membership Application and Credit Card Payment form.

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