Cruises are a core activity of the club. We mix it up with a combination of weekend and week-long cruises paced for both power and sail.
On some trips we unplug the yellow power cord and anchor out. Other trips are to reciprocal yacht clubs and we are safely secured and plugged in at their dock. There are many cruises to Catalina Island, a trip north to the Channel Islands and a week long cruise to San Diego. The size of the group varies from 10 boats to 30 or more. One of the most popular cruises is The Island Event at Corsair's Yacht Club Facility, Emerald Cove in Catalina and this years’ hosts promise a fantastic experience.
The cruises are a great way to get to know the members of the club and make life-long friends. Each cruise host does a good deal of planning and coordinating to make the cruise a success for everyone. If you are new to boating and maybe concerned about making a longer trip there are always folks around to help. When visiting another yacht club slip arrangements are made by the cruise coordinators. Typically some fun activities are planned including pot-lucks, cocktail parties, dinners, even soap carving contests or dinghy harbor cruises.
Other activities have included 4th of July dinghy parades in Alamitos Bay, dinghy poker runs and cardboard boat races!!!
For information please contact:
Ed and Colleen Woley, SlBYC Cruise Chairs